Deals & Offers
Keep track of the latest promotions and special offers on PHPJabbers! All subscribers of our monthly newsletter will be the first to know.
Blog writers needed!
- by Krasi Dimov
- Deals & Offers
We are looking for creative and experienced writers that can produce informative yet creative content. As we build, manage, and optimize websites for clients all over the world, we use that content to attract new visitors to our websites, to convert leads to customers and last but not least, to give value to existing customers.
Black Friday: Pay $100, Get PHP Scripts Worth $300
- by Daria Kerancheva
- Deals & Offers
Don't miss out on our special Black Friday Promo! Get PHP scripts worth $300 for only $100 and tune up your website projects! Select your web tools now!
Clients Only: Pick Your Free User Licence!
- by Daria Kerancheva
- Deals & Offers
We are happy to announce a special, end-of-year offer for all our loyal customers! As our valued clients and partners, you have the exclusive chance to pick one out of 25 selected PHP scripts and get a FREE User Licence!
Get our service booking scripts with 30% OFF!
- by Daria Kerancheva
- Deals & Offers
Only until the end of October 2017, you have the unique chance to get any of our PHP-based service booking web tools: Appointment Scheduler, Service Booking Script, Time Slots Booking Calendar and Class Scheduling System for 30% OFF the list price! The promo applies for both Developer and User Licences. Read more about the key differences between these scripts to make your choice more easily!
Luck out with our special 10-month promo!
- by Daria Kerancheva
- Deals & Offers
The past 2016 turned out to be a great year for us with lots of symbolic tens and for this reason we decided to launch a topical, special "decade" promo! In the end of the day, New Year is meant to bring new opportunities! Each of you who buys any of our PHP scripts in the period January 1st - October 31st, 2017 has the chance to win a promo voucher worth $100 that can be used for your next purchase!
Are You Happy With Our Work? Then Tell Us In Front Of The Camera!
- by Veselin Stoilov
- Deals & Offers
Are you happy with our common work? Do you like our products and services? Then tell it to the world! A positive word motivates us to do better. We are thankful for all testimonials we have received so far! Shoot your video testimonial and get a FREE Developer Licence for any PHPJabbers script you wish to use!
Beautiful, Responsive Hotel Website For A Fraction Of The Price
- by Desi Angelova
- Deals & Offers
We have just launched a new product oriented towards the hospitality sector - a complete website for hotels. The new offering is a part of our efforts to provide a complete range of web solutions for hotels, B&B and resorts. The product is suitable for web designers and developers who want to use the website for business projects, as well as small hotel owners.
Reseller Solution For Job Agency Website Design
- by Desi Angelova
- Deals & Offers
Are you a graphic designer or a web designer? We can help you create your own portfolio in seconds… with ZERO Initial Investment! Get a Extended Developer Licence and create your own portfolio in seconds without investing in technology and software. We give you a complete and brand-free job website for FREE. You can advertise it and offer it as a turnkey solution to your clients. Pay after you sell!
Looking For Partners In The Hosting Industry
- by Veselin Stoilov
- Deals & Offers
With an extensive expertise and over 10 years in web development, we can bring a distinctive combination of web tools and technical knowledge to every partnership. We offer you our expertise and experience on developing and supporting various web applications. Our goal is to work together to provide access to quality web tools and software to more people in the web development industry.
A Must-Have Bundle For Every Webmaster
- by Veselin Stoilov
- Deals & Offers
Take advantage of our special PHP Script Bundle: Basics! It includes 5 PHPJabbers scripts every webmaster needs on a daily basis. Get the 5 scripts pack for a little over the half of their total price. Using our One admiN feature you can install and switch between all products with a single login.